Daisuke Suzuki: Self-professed Geek Volunteers

This New Yorker didn’t let the global pandemic get him down. In fact, COVID created the opportunity for Dice to volunteer. Had he not chosen to serve others during this time, he admits to being “in a very depressive mental state.” Therefore, early on during COVID, Daisuke Suzuki, usually called “Dice” by his friends, took...
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Lifelong Servant Leader Serves on the Path She Once Walked

By: Angela Barbosa Imagine being at an appointment with your doctor and learning you have cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, more than 1.8 million people in the United States face that moment each year. Sadly, many of them face the uncertain and frightening next steps alone.  People with initial cancer diagnoses typically face...
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Harvesting Seeds His Dad Planted to Benefit Farmers

By: Angela Barbosa Growing up as a farm kid in northern Indiana, Vane Clayton had chores every morning and every night. Working the family’s dairy farm and spending big chunks of the summers helping out neighbors on their farms too, he loved the farming life. His philanthropically minded parents were both active in church and...
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Service in Her School

Written By: Emma de la Pena Many can look back on memories in their lifetime and think about their first strike of inspiration. For Sassy Neuman, this moment happened in the 4th grade when she was watching a documentary on foster care children and the foster care system. Immediately after watching this documentary, she felt...
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Featured Volunteer: Jason

Listen to Jason, a husband, father of two, and a young professional, as he talks about the heart of a person. What happens to children after their court date? How do they move forward in a meaningful way? These are just two of many ways the Juvenile Justice Center impacts children & their families throughout...
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Volunteering: Not always glamorous, but always rewarding

Anna Kate Roberson is a determined fourteen-year-old who doesn’t let her autism diagnosis get in the way of her dream of becoming a veterinarian. She volunteers at two horse rescue centers where she is able to help with the horses and gain valuable experience...
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Offering Opportunities, Reaching Potential

Growing up with a sister with Down Syndrome, Elizabeth Graham Pistole has a strong passion for helping individuals with special needs grow and develop. Her first experience volunteering was at her local church on “Special Saturdays” to serve church-goers living with disabilities broaden emotionally and spiritually. “The first time volunteering . . .  was way...
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Just Go for It!

Written by: Terri Seydel It was an elementary holiday event that sparked an interest in her to help children in need. In 4th grade, Taylor Rowe and her classmates enlisted in the Salvation Army Angel program which pairs people with a child in need. She was excited to participate but surprised to learn this would...
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Volunteering with Friends – It’s Just Fun!

Written by: Terri Seydel In many ways, Phillip Hyams is a typical American teenager, balancing his time between school, sports, and friends. He attends Brentwood High school and participates in the school’s sports program with the track, cross country, and basketball teams. Where he stands apart from other teenagers, is in what he chooses to...
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