Service in her School

Service in her School

Written By: Emma de la Pena

Many can look back on memories in their lifetime and think about their first strike of inspiration. For Sassy Neuman, this moment happened in the 4th grade when she was watching a documentary on foster care children and the foster care system. Immediately after watching this documentary, she felt a calling to take initiative and find ways to support these children in her community. Additionally, Sassy’s former elementary school, Oak Hill, provided students with the unique opportunity to serve for a different organization each year. One was Monroe Harding, a local nonprofit which supports foster care children and their families. Sassy says she was also able to help out in a variety of other areas including serving the homeless, learning about sustainable farming, and volunteering at senior living homes. She says some of her fondest memories are serving in these communities and having the opportunity to talk with the people she helps. 

Alongside Sassy’s organization, Fostering Faith, where she compiles and delivers baskets to the children with Monroe Harding, she is also involved in school organizations. The Care Bears is a service club at her current school where students meet once a week to knit hats for babies in Kenya, Africa. As a result of over 100 hours of volunteer work, her school has presented Sassy with the Presidential Service Award signed by the President of the United States for two years because of her diligent efforts to serve others every day.  

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