The Doing Good Blog

Our Featured Volunteer

Erin Harris headshot

Erin Harris: Aligning Personal Values with Meaningful Action

Erin Harris embodies the initiative and energy Doing Good enjoys seeing in volunteers. Eight months ago, she founded Un/Do Mindset, a nonprofit organization dedicated to mental health education and trauma recovery. A former teacher, Erin’s passion for this project is both inspiring and deeply personal. Her teaching career came to a heartbreaking end due to...

Doing Good features two volunteers each month. Read the stories of previously celebrated volunteers below. Click the button to nominate someone you know or yourself to be celebrated.

Our Previous Featured Volunteers

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Emily Green: Doing Good’s New Podcast Co-Host

Nashvillian, volunteer veteran, and event planner extraordinaire Emily Green is joining the Doing Good team as a Podcast Co-Host. With a passion for volunteerism, and...

Brittnie Battle: One of “Charlie’s Angels” Saving Animals in Tennessee

Brittnie has always had a love for animals. She and her partner have two canines of their own. After moving to Nashville, she volunteered at...

Tom Ruiz: Finding Opportunities to Fill a Void

“You never know what’s gonna’ happen as a result of your volunteering effort.” – Tom Ruiz Tom Ruiz has played many different roles in his...

Amanda Root: Finding Families and Homes for Children in Need

As a mother of four, Amanda Root found herself pulled to serve children. Having adopted kids herself, she knows the important role that people like...

Toby Swager: Connecting Those Who Want to Do Good

People want to help; people want to do good; and Toby Swager wants to make that easier by connecting communities to organizations that need help...

Jacqueline McDonald: “Nothing is Ever Too Small”

Jacqueline McDonald’s passion for volunteerism is driven by all avenues of her life. She currently serves on the board of the Tennessee Action Council, which...

Ana Sura: An Immigrant Serving Other Immigrants in Her Community

Immigrating to another country is an intimidating task that Ana Sura once completed. Now, with the nonprofit Better Options Tennessee, Ana guides new immigrants toward...

Bryson McCarley: Blessed to be a Blessing

Bryson McCarly is a husband, father, cook, and the owner of a StateFarm in Hendersonville, Tennessee. He says that he is “blessed to be a...

Tony Bradshaw: Using His Energy to Lead and Serve

Tony Bradshaw, Nashvillian, father and successful financial coach, has been using his aptitude for leadership to help nonprofits discover success. Tony has lent a hand...
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La Toya Murdock: Making Life

La Toya Murdock gives back to her Middle Tennessee community by serving on three different boards...

Emily Green: Doing Good’s New

Nashvillian, volunteer veteran, and event planner extraordinaire Emily Green is joining the Doing...

Brittnie Battle: One of “Charlie’s

Brittnie has always had a love for animals. She and her partner have two canines of their own. After...

Tom Ruiz: Finding Opportunities to

“You never know what’s gonna’ happen as a result of your volunteering effort.” – Tom...

Amanda Root: Finding Families and

As a mother of four, Amanda Root found herself pulled to serve children. Having adopted kids...

Toby Swager: Connecting Those Who

People want to help; people want to do good; and Toby Swager wants to make that easier by connecting...

Jacqueline McDonald: “Nothing is Ever

Jacqueline McDonald’s passion for volunteerism is driven by all avenues of her life. She currently...

Ana Sura: An Immigrant Serving

Immigrating to another country is an intimidating task that Ana Sura once completed. Now, with the...

Bryson McCarley: Blessed to be

Bryson McCarly is a husband, father, cook, and the owner of a StateFarm in Hendersonville...