About Doing Good
Why Celebrate Volunteers?
To feed one more family, to provide shelter for one more person, to serve a meal to one more home-bound senior, to clothe one more child who wears the same shirt/pants to school every day, to inspire creativity in one more pre-teen, to educate one more at-risk student, to teach one more adult to read, to connect with one more senior citizen, to care for one more caretaker, to train one more unemployed person, to provide medicine to one more, to hold one more hand through recovery, to serve and protect those who serve and protect, to focus on the abilities of those with disabilities, to reinforce the advantages of diversity, to breathe hope after tragedy and to encourage education as a way of life . . . to save one more tree, one more animal and one more person . . . to help those who want help and to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves, . . . to inspire one more person with the story of one more volunteer.
Our Why
To provide shelter for one more person
To serve a meal to one more home-bound senior
To clothe one more child who wears the same shirt/pants to school every day
To inspire creativity in one more pre-teen
To educate one more at-risk student
To teach one more adult to read
To connect with one more senior citizen
To care for one more caretaker
To train one more unemployed person
To provide medicine to one more
To hold one more hand through recovery
To serve and protect those who serve and protect
To focus on the abilities of those with disabilities
To reinforce the advantages of diversity
To breathe hope after tragedy and to encourage education as a way of life
To save one more tree, one more animal and one more person
To help those who want help and to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves
To inspire one more person with the story of one more volunteer
From the Executive Director
Volunteers provide hope and inspiration. They change the world. Yet, they are too often not recognized for their time, talent, or effort.
Plus, today more than ever, people are in need of inspiration and services. Doing Good is a B2B nonprofit which serves other nonprofit and government agencies by providing marketing and public relations tools and opportunities. Doing Good provides audio, visual, and written tools and opportunities to market and publicize more agencies to more people.
- The podcast represents audio;
- Short and long videos represent visual;
- And articles, blog posts, press releases, and social media messages are the written word.
All are provided to agencies at no cost. Since volunteer stories are timeless human interest stories, agencies are able to use the tools or their links anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.
These services help build the capacity of every nonprofit served. By providing quality marketing and public relations services and products, agencies can “plug and play” and, as a result, spend more of their time and money achieving their mission (rather than marketing and public relations). They share their volunteer stories in volunteer and staff recruitment, volunteer and staff trainings and celebrations, on websites, in newsletters, in email signatures, with potential funders, and more. These services assist with their volunteer retention, equipping staff, and their ability to spend more of their agency’s time and money achieving their mission (rather than marketing and public relations).
It takes a village. Thank you to each Doing Good volunteer. This nonprofit has been 100% run and operated by volunteers for volunteers over ten years. They live nationwide, are skilled in their areas of interest, are uniquely motivated to serve others, and are passionate about celebrating volunteers. Thank you to funders, supporters, friends, and cheerleaders whose varied support helps in invaluable ways. Thank you to our media partners (online and offline) who choose to celebrate volunteers with their readers, listeners, viewers, and followers. Thank you to all who follow @DoingGoodTV online and who share the latest stories with friends. Last but not least, thank you for your interest. Hopefully, you will share volunteer stories to educate and inspire as well!

Megan McInnis, Founder and Executive Director of Doing Good
Read the director’s bio here